HOTLINE: 800-439-6507

Sexual Violence (Rape Crisis) Program

Independence House offers individual counseling, advocacy and group counseling for survivors of: rape, incest, stalking, sexual harassment, molestation, childhood sexual assault and intimate partner sexual abuse.  Counseling is free, confidential and available for survivors of all ages and genders, as well as partners, families and friends.  Independence House will help no matter how recent or long ago rape or sexual assault happened. 

Sexual assault is an incredibly personal act of violence which can occur in many ways. Statistics suggest that 1 in 6 women and 1 in 33 men will be sexually assaulted during their lifetime.  Further, in every 2 minutes in our country, a woman is a victim of a completed rape. Most rapes are committed by an acquaintance, friend or family member, and although common, sexual assault and rape are crimes often unreported.

If you have been sexually assaulted and would like to speak to a qualified rape crisis counselor immediately, our hotline is staffed with a counselor 24/7. If you are seeking medical attention, Independence House rape crisis counselors can meet you at Cape Cod or Falmouth Hospital or at any of the police stations in the 15 towns on Cape Cod and provide appropriate support through our Medical/Police Accompaniment Services.

Childcare may be provided to clients while they attend group or individual counseling sessions.

For more information please contact: Nanci Rindfuss, Director of Clinicala and Program Services.  508-771-6507 x232.