HOTLINE: 800-439-6507

Children Exposed to Domestic Violence Program

Independence House offers individual counseling, advocacy and groups for children ages 5-12 who witness intimate partner violence.

Domestic violence affects every member of the family and children who have been exposed to domestic violence experience similar effects as children who are physically abused.

Being exposed to domestic violence can mean seeing incidents of physical abuse or the aftermath, hearing threats or fighting from another room or being aware of tension or fear in the household.

Children who have been exposed to domestic violence may exhibit separation anxiety, low self-esteem, bed-wetting,  sleep disturbances, increased aggression, phobias, loss in ability to concentrate, delayed development, depression and/or withdrawal.

Children can also be victimized emotionally, physically or sexually, by people they trust at school, home or other safe places. These people can be adults or other children.

Independence House offers counseling, advocacy and groups for children affected by their parents or caregivers intimate partner violence. Providing children with a safe place to express their emotions and process trauma is vital to the healing process.

“One study found that 87% of mothers reported their children ‘knew about’ the abuse. Experts estimate that number to be even higher” (

Parents of children are encouraged to receive services through our Adult Domestic Violence Program or Teen Program.


For more information contact Molly Machain, MSW, Coordinator of Adult, Child & Teen Community Based Services and Rape Crisis Program Services.  Phone 508-771-6507 x229.  Email: