HOTLINE: 800-439-6507

Abuse and Disabilities

Individuals faced with intellectual and development disabilities make up one of the most vulnerable populations to be sexually assaulted or sexually abused and face a higher risk of being victimized by sexual violence.

Independence House offers resources and counseling services for survivors of sexual and domestic violence who are living with different disabilities.

People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

7 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than the general population


49% will be sexually assaulted 10 times or more in their lifetime


Only 3% of assaults are reported compared to 23% reported by the general population

Community Level Strategy
A community level strategy is an approach to the prevention of sexual violence. Independence House works with organizations that support the healthy relationships of the people that each organization serves. 

Organizations begin on the ground level in taking action to address sexual violence.  Organizations are asked to be bold and brave in doing this work and join Independence House by saying ‘yes’ in strengthening their organization in order to address sexual violence.

What do we mean by a community level strategy for the prevention of sexual violence?
A community level strategy is a process whereby each organization looks at its policies that assess:

  • The possible risk of harm and strengthen identified gaps
  • The need for employees and volunteers to have training about the prevention of sexual violence
  • Employee codes of conduct
  • Screening process for prospective employees and volunteers
  • Physical spaces that reduce the risk of sexual violence
  • Procedures for disclosing sexual violence

For more information, please contact:
Chris Morin, Independence House, Inc., Director of Prevention,Education and Outreach at